On 9 May 2022, three members of our PhraseoLab team from Murcia (Flor Mena Martínez, Carola Strohschen, and María José Alcaraz Gutiérrez) conducted the phraseology competition “Detrás de toda gran frase hay una gran historia. The English-German challenge” at the University of Murcia (UMU). The competition was open to students from secondary schools in the Murcia region where German is taught as a foreign language, being these students part as well of the target group of the PhraseoLAB project.
The aim of the competition was to familiarise the students with the German-English equivalents of the multi-word units, with the preparation material being available online before the competition. A total of 8 prizes were awarded. The event was supported by various institutions and the prize-giving ceremony on 21 June was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at UMU, the President of the Social Council of UMU, the Director General of Universities in Murcia and the President of the Fundación CajaMurcia.
This action was not financed by PhraseoLAB, but by the University of Murcia (Vice-Rectorate of Transference, Communication and Dissemination and Social Council) and the Fundación CajaMurcia. However, it served as a first contact with part of our target groups in Spain and as a first concrete step in public relations.