In the database, you will find the fixed expressions from the exercises and tasks of the learning platform, along with their equivalents in German, English, Spanish, Danish, Greek, and Polish. This allows you to see how similar the expressions are. We use English as a learning aid, meaning that the more similar the German and English expressions are, the easier they are to learn.
Expressions that are very similar in German and English belong to Group A2. You will primarily learn these expressions at the A2 level. Expressions that are similar but not exactly the same belong to Group B. You will learn these expressions in the exercises at the B1 level.
Enter a word from an expression into the search bar to find the expression in the database. You can also enter A2 or B1 to get a list of all expressions at the A2 or B1 level.
If you see this symbol (!) behind some English expressions, it means that these expressions have more than one meaning. The similarities between the German and English expressions apply only to one of them.
For some expressions that are collocations, we do not provide a meaning because their meaning is transparent.